Faceted, incised, and ordinary bowls |
Celadon makes for a nice glaze. But over a white slip, everything gets muted. The red clay just greys out. A real potter would have done some testing. The fun scraffito that was so full of contrast, the white slip against the red clay, has toned down.
Derrek said, "Wow. How Korean." I had no idea. But then, people say I don't look Mexican until I open my mouth, then they aren't so sure.
Didn't expect the warp, either. Expectations can be a trap. I tend to listen with my eyes, and watch with my ears, and that's not always the best idea. Perception, like pots, is a rather empty business until you fill it up with some stuff—usually delusion, but sometimes: cookies.
I also find that taking pictures of pots is not easy. Those pros on Etsy, the really good potters, spend a lot of time taking smart, clear pictures of their pots. The mobile phone is handy, but it doesn't quite get the job done.